September 2014 PlayStation Plus Free Games in North America Include Velocity 2X, Sportsfriends

Giving us the information a day earlier than normal, PlayStation has fully confirmed the six PlayStation Plus free games that will go live in North America beginning next month, which features multiple cross-buy titles and two new releases.

Here’s everything both leaving and entering the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection on Tuesday, September 2 in North America:

Leaving the IGC

  • Road Not Taken (PS4)
  • Fez (PS4, includes cross-buy with PS3 and PS Vita)
  • Crysis 3 (PS3)
  • Proteus (PS3, includes cross-buy with PS Vita)
  • Metrico (PS Vita)
  • Dragon’s Crown (PS Vita and PS3)

Entering the IGC

If you’re unfamiliar with any of these titles, be sure to check out the above trailer, showing you clips of each game.

Which September 2014 PlayStation Plus free game are most excited for?

[Source: PlayStation]