Bungie Admits Destiny Crimson Days Ghost Drop Rates Are “Too Low,” Promises Fix

If you’ve been partaking in Destiny‘s Crimson Days and have found that the drop rate of the Ghost shells are pretty low, then be assured that a fix is on its way. Over on its website, Bungie has acknowledged the issue in light of player feedback, and has promised the following changes in an upcoming patch:

  • After the event is over, we’ll deliver Ghosts to the Postmaster
  • Anyone who has competed in seven matches will receive one
  • You had to actually compete though – no suicide pacts!
  • Your Ghost will be Chocolate or Crimson – the odds are even
  • 320 Light will be guaranteed – the odds are totally in your favor
  • Packages will be addressed by account, not character
  • Qualifying players will receive their Ghost by February 23rd

If you’ve played seven matches, you qualify for the reward. If you haven’t hit that number yet then you still have a chance until February 16.

In related news, Destiny will be receiving a large update this Spring, the details for which you can find here.

[Source: Bungie]