Firewatch Update 1.02 Today on PS4 Improves Performance & Fixes Issues

On Twitter, developer Campo Santo revealed that Firewatch update 1.02 is now available on PlayStation 4, fixing lots of tiny issues and improving the game:

Shedding some ore light on the patch on Reddit, Campo Santo’s Sean Vanaman explained to fans that they re-optimized all of the environments to help improve frame-rate on PS4:

Basically, we brung over tons of tiny content fixes that we didn’t know about (that fucking note on Day 2) and stuff like that. In terms of performance, we went through and re-optimized all of our environments up against the release version (running on customer hardware) to help frame-rate, got Unity to fix a massive bug that was causing some of the day-load hangs folks were seeing at home and recalibrated auto-save (the thing causing a lot of hiccups). This is all the stuff we could do totally silo’d off from engine/platform partners.

Vanaman said a full post about the update will be up on their blog later today.

As for the future of Firewatch, Campo Santo is “going to keep looking for ways to make the game better on all platforms.” Vanaman explained that this will involve moving the game to a new version of Unity to help performance, which will take time if they’re successful:

We want to do another big update in the future that ships a bunch of subtitle languages (TBD) and actually moves the game to an entire new version of Unity to continue to help performance. I don’t expect anyone here to understand what that takes but, let’s just say we ran the game on new engine code last night and half the world was rendering upside down. SO it’ll be a little bit of an investment but the game has done so well on both PS4 and Steam that we think it’s really worth it. I can’t confirm we’re going to be successful in any of this, but in the spirit of everyone being really great in this sub, wanted to share with you some unfiltered goings-on.

Also, if you live in Brazil, Firewatch should be available tomorrow.

What do you think of Firewatch after installing the patch?

[Source: Campo Santo (Twitter 1, 2, 3), Reddit]


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