Media Molecule Says LittleBigPlanet Community Creations “Blew Everyone’s Minds”

In an interesting post on PlayStation blog, Media Molecule talks at length about the origin of the team, the ideas behind LittleBigPlanet, how they came to life, and the creativity that it ended up inspiring among gamers.

A studio formed of ex-Lionhead staff members, the developer reveals that it was “working from a space above a bathroom shop” when it came up with the idea of a game that gave people the tools to be creative in their own ways without the fear of not being good enough. The result? After initially vowing an audience at GDC, Media Molecule and Sony ran a beta test in 2008 that “really blew everyone’s minds” – from Sony to the developer’s.

Our jaws were open. We were witnessing something that nobody had predicted. A gaming community not just being consumers. They’re very clever, and talented folks with weird hybrid talents, very weird! I don’t know how they learn this stuff!

That October, LittleBigPlanet released to universal acclaim.

Interestingly, one of Media Molecule’s current staff members, Christophe Villedieu, was originally a LittleBigPlanet player whose creations impressed the studio so much that he was offered a job.

Media Molecule is currently working on Dreams, which unsurprisingly focuses on player creativity. In development for the PlayStation 4, a beta for the game is scheduled to be held sometime this year.

[Source: PlayStation]