The Evil Within 2 Gets a New Gameplay Trailer

In the new The Evil Within 2 gameplay trailer today from Bethesda, you’ll get a look at the monsters, weapons, and characters in the upcoming title.

“It’s all your fault” is the mantra that runs through Sebastian Castellanos’ mind, and Bethesda says, “Plagued by memories of the daughter he couldn’t save and a mystery he could never solve, he begins to lose himself in his past mistakes. Sebastian lives out his nightmares every day, unable to pull himself from his downward spiral. Until an old friend-turned-traitor reenters his life with an offer: Return to the nightmare and save your daughter. The Evil Within 2 gives a broken man the chance to make things right and find the peace he so deserves, but he’ll have to go through hell first.”

With The Evil Within 2, you’re free to explore as much – or as little – of the world as you want to, and you can choose to go in stealthy (setting traps and sneaking around) or guns blazing. “Provided you can scrounge up the resources, you can play the game however you see fit,” Bethesda adds. “As you explore the world, you’ll be able to follow side quests, track down supply caches for those much-needed resources, and uncover clues that could help you solve the mystery of Mobius and STEM.”

By pre-ordering The Evil Within 2, you’ll receive The Last Chance Pack, which includes the exclusive Burst Handgun, Crafting Supplies, and a Medical Case. Pre-ordering through the PlayStation Store also gets you a dynamic theme.

The Evil Within 2 releases on Friday, October 13 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

To get caught up on the story of The Evil Within, check out this FAQ.

[Source: Bethesda]