The Path of Motus

The Path of Motus Shows That Words Can Hurt

The creative team of Michael Hicks and Goncalo Antunes, who previously released Pillar on PlayStation 4, have revealed their next game. Called The Path of Motus, the upcoming PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC title will aim to explore bullying and the impact that words can have. Players will take the role of a goblin named Motus that is attempting to build bridges to help his village, and players will have to use the game’s “verbal combat system” to deal with bullies that are trying to stop him.

Here’s how the gameplay will work in The Path of Motus:

In this game you play as a goblin named Motus who’s trying to build bridges through a forest; his village has been trapped inside for hundreds of years and he’s determined to find a way out! However, his perseverance will soon be tested, as he meets bullies that use their own words to stop him. This is a game where words hurt…. literally. The Path of Motus features a verbal combat system where words destroy anything they come into contact with, as well as an innovative puzzle system designed to convey what Motus is feeling at various times in the story.

The Path of Motus - Announcement Trailer | PS4

“Bullying is currently on the rise, so hopefully this game helps us have more empathy for each other,” explained creator Michael Hicks. “I want players to understand how it feels to be bullied, and explore ways of dealing with it through gameplay. Just like in real life, we always have a choice: we can use our words to inspire, or to destroy.”

The Path of Motus is set to release in 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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