Trophy Guide – Resistance 2

Resistance 2
Resistance 2

Resistance 2 is the sequel to the highly-popular PS3 launch title Resistance: Fall of Man.  Insomniac games has done a wonderful job on yet another PS3 exclusive title.  The “three C’s” (Campaign, Cooperative and Competitive) each offer fun and unique experiences, and the trophies represent that.  The majority of the game’s Trophies focus on the Campaign, but Co-op and Competitive each have their own, respectively.

To reduce spoilers, I’ve blacked out the Hidden trophies (other than the Platinum).  To view them, highlight after [Hidden].

[Hidden] Platinum Trophy (Platinum): Obtain all Gold, Silver, and Bronze Trophies for Resistance 2

– Obtain all 26 Bronze, 8 Silver and 4 Gold Trophies that shipped with Resistance 2.

Rampage! (Bronze): Kill 40 hybrids in the Single Player Campaign.

– Kill 40 Hybrids in the Single Player Campaign.  You should get this sometime during your time in San Francisco, if not just keep at it any you’ll pull it in in due time.

Covert Ops (Bronze): Collect 5 pieces of Intel in the Single Player Campaign.

– This can be completed as early as San Francisco.  I found this video guide very useful for assistance for the ones you may have passed up.  If you missed an intel and want to go back for it you can Load Level from the Campaign Menu and select a checkpoint nearby.  Loading a level will not disrupt your current campaign progress.

[Hidden] Recycler (Bronze): Defeat the Goliath in the Single Player Campaign.

– Earned in the Prologue, you’ll get it near the end of the level.

[Hidden] Fried Calamari (Bronze): Defeat the Kraken in the Single Player Campaign.

– Earned during Chapter 1.  You will have infinite ammo for the Pulse Cannon for the duration of this fight, shoot the Kraken whenever it pops up and avoid its attacks.  When it goes underwater and starts charging toward you, save your shot until it grabs you.

[Hidden] Exterminator (Bronze): Defeat the Mother Spinner in the Single Player Campaign.

– Earned during Chapter 3 in Twin Falls, Idaho.  When the Mother Spinner appears at the middle section, run to its side to avoid its attacks and keep shooting it.  From time to time it will crawl on the beams connecting to the surrounding towers, take this opportunity to unload your weapon on it.  When it summons crawlers take them out first and quickly as the Mother Crawler will soon be chasing after you.

[Hidden] Flyswatter (Bronze): Defeat the Swarm in the Single Player Campaign.

– Earned during Chapter 4 in Bryce Canyon, Utah.  To defeat the Swarm you will need to shoot at them to lure them into the field generators.  Once they are captured, fire on them with the Pulse Cannon and proceed to the next field generator.  Repeat 2 more times and the Swarm will be dealt with.

[Hidden] The Bigger They Are (Bronze): Defeat the Leviathan in the Single Player Campaign.

– Earned on Chapter 5 in Chicago, Illinois.  Shoot its face with a rocket when it grabs and tries to eat you.  Near the end you will need to shoot at it to draw it towards you, then fire at the overpass.

[Hidden] Big Game Hunter (Bronze): Defeat the Marauder in the Single Player Campaign.

– Earned on Chapter 7 in Cocodrie, Louisiana.  A few rockets is all it really takes, just watch out for its attack that acts like a spider grenade.

Nowhere to Hide (Bronze): Tag and kill 30 enemies with the Bullseye in the Single Player Campaign.

– Using the Bullseye, tag an enemy with R2 and let loose a rain of fire.  You don’t even have to aim.

Sharpshooter (Bronze): Get 30 headshots while scoped in with the Fareye or Marksman in the Single Player Campaign.

– Use either the Fareye or Marksman (while scoped) to get 30 headshots.  Single Player Campaign only.  The total is cumulative between the weapons.

Explosives Expert (Bronze): Get 150 kills with the Carbine 40mm, LAARK, or Frag Grenade in the Single Player Campaign.

– Use either the Carbine 40mm, LAARK, or Frag Grenade to get 30 kills.  Single Player Campaign only.  The total is cumulative between the weapons.

They Go “Boom” (Bronze): Get 30 kills with the Magnum secondary fire in the Single Player Campaign.

– Shoot with the magnum in-front of enemies or into a pack of them. The use R2 to set off the secondary explosion.  You can set off multiple shots at once.

– An easy location to complete this in is Twin Falls, Idaho or anywhere else grims attack.  You can usually take down three or four grims with one shot if timed correctly.

Pyromaniac (Bronze): Set 100 enemies of fire with the Bellock Semi-Automic, Air-Fuel Grenade, Spider Grenade, or environmental hazard in the Single Player Campaign.

– Use the Bellock Semi-Automic, Air-Fuel Grenade, Spider Grenade, or an environmental hazard to set 100 enemies on fire.  Single Player Campaign only.  The total is cumulative between the weapons/hazards.

– I nice location to do this is near the beginning of Chicago, Illinois.  Explode one of the cars and have the grims run near it and they will catch on fire.

Spitting Lead (Bronze): Kill 50 enemies using the Wraith with the force barrier engaged in the Single Player Campaign.

– If you use the Wraith when it actually appears during the Campaign you should have much problem getting this.  Use R2 to bring up the Wraiths shield and unleash a fury of lead on the enemies with R1.

I See You (Bronze): Kill 50 enemies through solid matter with the Auger in the Single Player Campaign.

– Once an enemy has been seen while wielding the Auger you will be able to see their heat signatures.  Fire your auger through walls to hit enemies.  The Augers attack actually gets stronger the more walls it passes through.

Talk To The Hand (Bronze): Use the Auger force barrier to stop 150 incoming enemy shots in the single player Campaign.

– Use the Augers force barrier (R2) whenever three enemies are using the bullseye and you should get it with a single shield use.

For Close Encounters (Bronze): Get 10 one-hit head-shot kills with the Shotgun in the Single Player Campaign.

– Use the Rossmore to get 10 face shots.  Aim high for the head.

– Again Twin Falls, Idaho and the wonderful grims make this an extremely simple task.

Pincushion (Bronze): Get 50 kills with the Hedgehog in the Single Player Campaign.

– You may not get this on a single playthrough if you don’t think about it.  Most people tend to just throw a grenade/Hedgehog and not really think about it.  But if you have a Hedgehog and a group of enemies bunched up… favor the hedgehog.

Up Close and Personal (Bronze): Get 50 melee kills with any weapon in the Single Player Campaign.

– Melee (R3 or shake the controller) 50 enemies to death.  You don’t have to use melee exclusively, just the finishing blow must be a melee.

– Again Twin Falls, Idaho and the wonderful grims make this an extremely simple task.  Grims can be killed with a single melee, just try to time your attacks before theirs begins or after it ends.

Wrecking Machine (Bronze): Destroy 40 vehicles in the Single Player Campaign.

– Destroy 40 vehicles, you likely won’t get it on the first playthrough if you don’t try for it.

– The beginning of Chicago, Illinois has seven vehicles you can destroy.  Destroy them, save and reload for a fairly simple solution.

Mind Your Surroundings (Bronze): Get 50 indirect kills using explosive objects in levels in the Single Player Campaign.

– For this you’ll need to look for explosive environmental objects, mainly cars and explosive barrels.  Explode them as enemies are nearby for some fairly simple kills, just don’t get caught in an explosion yourself.

– Again the beginning of Chicago, Illinois rears its head.  Remember the cars mentioned above for Wrecking Machine? Those same cars can be used to explode some grims.

Salute Me (Silver): Achieve the rank of Lieutenant.

– Achieve a rank of Lieutenant (Level 31).  Campaign, Co-op and Competitive XP all count toward leveling.

Exotic Weapon Collector (Silver): Get 20 kills with each weapon in the Single Player Campaign.

– Collect 20 kills with every weapon.  You can view your kill count with each weapon by going into Community > Profile > Stats > Campaign – Weapons from the Main Menu.

Master Spy (Silver): Collect all the Intel documents in the Single Player Campaign.

– Collect all 20 intel reports.  Weapon intels are not factored into this. I found this video guide very useful for assistance for the ones you may have passed up.  If you missed an intel and want to go back for it you can Load Level from the Campaign Menu and select a checkpoint nearby.  Loading a level will not disrupt your current campaign progress.

Snipe Hunt (Silver): Kill 30 Spinners in the Single Player Campaign.

– Spinners are the little creature that can usually be seen running around Grim eggs.  They do not attack you, so most people kindly pass on by without ever thinking about them.

–  The beginning of Orick, California provides quite a few Spinners for harvesting.

Xenocide (Silver): Kill 1000 enemies in the Single Player Campaign.

– You should pick this up as you progress through the campaign.  If you do not, replay a few levels.  You can view your kill count by going to Community > Profile > Stats > Campaign from the main menu.

[Hidden] R.I.P. Jordan Shepherd (Gold): Defeat Daedalus, Complete the Single Player Campaign.

– During Chapter 8 in ??.  You’ll need to avoid his attacks and follow after him for a bit, then you’ll come to a round area where you’ll need to shoot some energy tethers as he passes by them.  Do this a few times and he will be down.

[Hidden] OMGWTFBBQ (Gold): Complete the Single Player Campaign on Superhuman.

– Superhuman can be unlocked after beating Hard.  Complete the game on Superhuman.

Berserker (Bronze): Use every berserk at least once in Online Competitive Multiplayer.

– You need to activate every berserk in Competitive Mode.  Initially you get 5 berserks (There is one which exclusive to Human and one exclusive to Chimera) but you will unlock additional berserks as you level.

Thanks to Zankantou for the following list:

— Adrenaline Boost

— Advanced Radar (human only)

— Chimeran Rage (chimera only)

— Prototype Ammo

— Overload

— Invisibility

— Ring of life

— Ironheart

— The LAARK (forgot what it’s called off the top of my head)

— Snake Eyes [Pulse Cannon]

Point Man (Silver): Earn 1 million XP from ranked games in online Competitive mode.

– Earn 1,000,000 XP playing Online Competitive.  This is accumulative through all ranked competitive gameplay modes.

Killing Machine (Gold): Score 10,000 kills in ranked matches in Online Competitive Multiplayer.

– Earn 10,000 kills in Online Competitive.  This is accumulative through all ranked competitive gameplay modes.

Specter Recon (Bronze): Collect 50 pieces of gray tech in the Cooperative Campaign.

– Primarchs will drop these when killed.  They are the harder enemies with Red Stars above their names.

Specter Initiate (Bronze): Complete 20 missions in the Cooperative Campaign.

– Complete 20 missions in Online Cooperative.

Team Player (Bronze): Complete 5 missions with a full party of 8 in the Cooperative Campaign.

– Complete five missions with 7 other players in Online Cooperative.

Tour of Duty (Bronze): Complete one mission on each region in the Cooperative Campaign.

– Complete one mission in each region of Co-op.  These regions are Chicago, Orick, Axbridge, Bracknell, Bryce Canyon and Holar Tower.

Specter Officer (Silver): Reach max level (30) with one class in the Cooperative Campaign.

– Reach level 30 with a single class in co-op mode.  This will require roughly 2 million Co-op XP.

Primarch Hunter (Silver): Kill 200 Elite Chimerans in the Cooperative Campaign.

– Kill 200 Elite Chimerans, a.k.a. Primarchs.  These are the enemies that have red stars over their heads.

Specter Intel (Gold): Collect all Intel in the Cooperative Campaign.

– Collect all 61 co-op intel.  You get a piece of intel for completing a mission.  There are 10 for Chicago, 12 for Orick, 9 for Axebridge, 10 for Bracknell, 12 for Bryce Canyon and 8 for Holar Tower.  You can view your collected intel by viewing your Profile > Rewards.  You can also view how many intels you have for a region by selecting a game for that region in the Find Game Co-op menu and looking in the upper left hand corner.