Rumored PS Store Content for 01/29/09

PSLS Weekly Rumored PS Store Content
PSLS Weekly Rumored PS Store Content

Well, well, well…  A lot of what he have been rumoring since the beginning of the year are finally confirmed for this week.  Savage Moon will finally hit today, as well as my long rumored Bejeweled 2.  That’s not all that in “store” for us today, as we will be getting some exclusive Mirror’s Edge DLC.  Don’t forget to check out the weekly Rock Band, and Guitar Hero updates as well as this week’s LittleBigPlanet DLC which is the GOW level pack and Kratos costume that was once only available pre-launch by pre-ordering LBP at Gamestop.  Does this mean we will see a Nariko costume DLC in the coming months?  We hope so.

Savage Moon

Bejewled 2

Mirror’s Edge DLC

LittleBigPlanet DLC – GOW costume/level pack

Rock Band DLC

Guitar Hero World Tour DLC

That’s it for what is confirmed this week, below is our rumored content

Afro Samurai Demo

Pixeljunk Eden Demo

PSOne game

Skate 2 DLC

LOTR: Conquest DLC

FFXIII Official Trailer

Fight Night Round 3

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