Trophy Guide – Killzone 2


Killzone 2 is the sequel to the popular PlayStation 2 title Killzone. Guerrilla Games has surely met and exceeded our expectations with this PS3 exclusive. Anyone who loves first person shooters will love this game. In total there are 52 trophies for you to collect; 1 platinum, 3 gold, 4 silver and 44 bronze. There are 41 dedicated to the single player campaign and 10 dedicated to the online multiplayer. Most of the trophies are easy to acquire, with the exception of the honor rank trophies. These will require you to put some serious time in online.

War Hero (Platinum): Collect all Killzone 2 trophies

– Collect all trophies

Corinth Ribbon (Bronze): Complete Corinth River on any difficulty level

– Complete the Corinth River level

Blood Ribbon (Bronze): Complete Blood Meridian on any difficulty level

– Complete the Blood Meridian level

Visari Ribbon (Bronze): Complete Visari Square on any difficulty level

Complete the Visari Square level

Salamun Ribbon (Bronze): Complete Salamun District on any difficulty level

– Complete the Salamun District level

Bridge Ribbon (Bronze): Complete Salamun Bridge on any difficulty level

– Complete the Salamun Bridge level

Suljeva Ribbon (Bronze): Complete Suljeva Village on any difficulty level

– Complete the Suljeva Village level

Tharsis Ribbon (Bronze): Complete Tharsis Refinery on any difficulty level

– Complete the Tharsis Refinery level

Cruiser Ribbon (Bronze): Complete The Cruiser on any difficulty level

– Complete The Cruiser level

Maelstra Ribbon (Silver): Complete Maelstra Barrens on any difficulty level

– Complete the Maelstra Barrens level

Survivor (Silver): Complete all missions on any difficulty level

– Complete the single player campaign

Heroic Survivor (Gold): Complete all missions on Elite difficulty level

– Complete the single player campaign on Elite difficulty

Pallbearer (Bronze): Kill 500 Helghast soldiers

– You will get this as you complete the campaign

Undertaker (Bronze): Kill 1000 Helghast soldiers

– You will probably have to replay a few levels to get this

Reaper (Bronze): Kill 1500 Helghast soldiers

– You will probably have to replay a few levels to get this

Field Agent (Bronze): Collect all Intel within the game

– There a 20 pieces of Intel in all (IGN has a great guide for these)

Iconoclast (Bronze): Destroy all Helghast symbols within the game

– There are 32 symbols in all (IGN has a great guide for these)

Untouchable (Silver): Complete all missions on any difficulty level without dying

-The easiest way to do this is to play through on easy and break each level into separate sections. On the mission select screen you can see how many deaths you have on each section. Just get them all to zero and the trophy is yours.

Babysitter (Bronze): Revive your buddies a total of 35 times

– You will probably get this while completing the campaign. If not then just replay some levels until you get it.

Elementalslayer (Bronze): Kill the Tharsis Refinery ArcTrooper in under 1 minute 30 seconds

– Shoot the electrified drums above your head and they will fall and stun the Arc Trooper. Then shoot the tank on its back. Repeat this a few times to kill it. Do this in under 1 minute 30 seconds for the trophy

Giantslayer (Bronze): Kill the Blood Meridian heavy in under 1 minute

– Shoot the heavy in the head and it will turn around and expose a red tank on its back. Shoot the tank a few times to kill it. Do it in under 1 minute and the trophy is yours.

Dragonslayer (Bronze): Destroy the Salamun Bridge ATAC in under 1 minute 30 seconds

– You need to shoot the electrified posts to stun the ATAC and then hit it with a rocket. Repeat this about 3 times in under 1 minute 30 seconds for the trophy.

Demonslayer (Bronze): Kill Radec at Visari Palace within 20 minutes

– The timer does not start until you actually start fighting Radec. Just run around and wait for him to appear. Once he does keep shooting him until he disappears again. Rinse and repeat until he is dead. Do it in under 20 minutes for the trophy.

Safari Hunter (Bronze): Kill one of each enemy infantry type with a melee attack

– Melee every type of infantry soldier once. Here is a page with links to images of all the different types of soldiers.

Killing Spree (Bronze): Kill 5 Helghast in 15 seconds whilst on foot and maintaining at least 85% health

– Look for a large group of enemies and unload on them. I recommend using a combination of grenade and gunfire.

Bullet Counter (Bronze): Manually reload your weapon 150 times

– Manually reload every chance you get and you should get this by the end of the campaign.

Safety First (Bronze): Shoot off 100 Helghast helmets during battle

– Go for headshots and you will have this in no time. Most guns will knock off helmets in one shot without killing the enemy soldier.

Berserker (Bronze): Kill 25 Helghast using melee attacks

– Just melee everyone in sight and you will have this in no time.

Barrel of Death (Bronze): kill 3 Helghast at once using the surrounding environment

– This is easiest on the Easy difficulty as the enemies are not as smart and tend to group together more. Look for a group of enemies standing near an explosive barrel and shoot it.

Professional (Bronze): Get 3 headshots in a row using the same clip of M4 Revolver ammunition

– Aim for the head and do not reload in between shots. You need to get all 3 without reloading. I recommend doing this on Easy so you can get closer to your target without dying instantly.

Fragmerchant (Bronze): Kill 5 Helghast at once using a single frag grenade

– The easiest place for this is in the beginning of The Cruiser level. As soon as the elevator gets down to where it stops a group of Helghast will burst through the wall. Frag them and the trophy is yours.

Fragmartyr (Bronze): Kill 2 Helghast at once and take you own life using a single frag grenade

– Grab a grenade and run into a group of Helghast and let it kill you and them.

Melonpopper (Bronze): Get 15 headshots using the VC32 Sniper Rifle

– Just aim for heads whenever you have a sniper rifle.

Blade Runner (Bronze): Kill 75 Helghast using the knife

– Equip your knife and slash everything in sight. You will get the trophy after a few levels.

Stick Around (Bronze): Nail 20 Helghast to a wall using the Boltgun VC-21

– Use the Boltgun to nail 20 Helghast to the wall.

Master Conductor (Bronze): Electrocute 3 Helghast with a single burst from the VC5 Electricity Gun

– Look for a group of 3 Helghast and fire away!

Run and Gunner (Bronze): Kill 3 Helghast using an M82 or StA52 assault rifle without releasing the trigger

– Find a group of Helghast and keep firing until they are all dead.

Defensive Fighter (Bronze): Kill 30 Helghast using the StA3 fixed gun emplacement

– Find an emplacement weapon and fire away. (Tank guns do not count for this trophy).

Can Opener (Bronze): Destroy any Helghast APC during battle

– Find an enemy APC and blow it up.

Spare Parts (Bronze): Destroy all Leech Pods in The Cruiser

– Shoot down all the leech pods. Use the gun for the ones that you can easily shoot and the missiles for the up close hard to reach ones.

Treadhead (Bronze): Take 20 Helghast lives whilst using the ISA tank

– Kill 20 Helghast while using the ISA tank the Corinth River level.

Mechspert (Bronze): Stomp 10 Helghast with your Exoskeleton in Maelstra Barrens

– Run over enemies in the exoskeleton. They will die instantly.

Career Ribbon (Gold): Achieve an online rank of General

– Earn a total of 2800 exp. Points in online games.

Valor Grand Cross (Gold): Achieve weekly honor rank #4

– Be in the top 1% of all players for the current week.

Valor Cross (Silver): Achieve weekly honor rank #3

– Be in the top 3% of all players for the current week.

Valor Medal (Bronze): Achieve weekly honor rank #2

– Be in the top 6% of all players for the current week.

Valor Citation (Bronze): Achieve weekly honor rank #1

– Be in the top 10% of all players for the current week.

CrossTraining Ribbon (Bronze): Acquire all badge-specific medals

– Acquire the required amount of ribbons for the badge-specific medals.

1. Aerial Supportive – 8x Air Support Specialist Ribbon.

2. Defensive Specialist – 8x Turret Specialist Ribbon.

3. Explosives Expert – 8x C4 Specialist Ribbon.

4. Field Mechanic – 8x Repair Specialist Ribbon.

5. Field Medic – 8x Healing Specialist Ribbon.

6. Forward Observer – 8x Spot and Mark Specialist Ribbon.

7. Front Runner 8x Boost Specialist Ribbon.

8. Master of Disguise – 8x Disguise Specialist Ribbon.

9. Shadow Marshall – 8x Cloak Specialist Ribbon.

10. Spawn Authority – 8x Spawn Point Specialist Ribbon.

11. Trauma Surgeon – 8x Revival Specialist Ribbon.

Veteran Ribbon (Bronze): Acquire all mission-specific medals

Acquire the required amount of ribbons for the mission-specific medals.

1. Assassin’s League – 5x Assassination Kill Specialist Ribbon.

2. Bodyguard Alliance – 5x Assassination Defend Specialist Ribbon.

3. Bomb Squad – 5x Search and Destroy Specialist Ribbon.

4. Corpse Counters – 5x Body Count Specialist Ribbon.

5. Defense Initiative – 5x Capture and Hold Defend Specialist Ribbon.

6. Retrieval Corpse – 5x Search and Retrieve Specialist Ribbon.

Expert Ribbon (Bronze): Acquire all combat-specific medals

– Acquire the required amount of ribbons for the combat-specific medals.

1. Black Belt – 5x Close Combat Specialist Ribbon.

2. Hawk’s Eye – 5x Sniper Specialist Ribbon.

3. Head Fetish – 5x Headshot Specialist Ribbon.

4. Quick Draw – 5x Sidearm Specialist Ribbon.

Wargod Ribbon (Bronze): Acquire all remaining medals

– Acquire the required amount of ribbons for the remaining medals.

1. Example Soldier – 8x Good Conduct Ribbon.

2. Natural Born Killer – 8x Kill Count Ribbon.

Blitzkrieg Ribbon (Bronze): Win 50 online matches

– Win 50 matches online.