Trophy Guide – Bioshock


Warning: Trophies CAN NOT be earned in New Game +.

PLATINUM TROPHY (Platinum) – Collected all other Bioshock trophies.

– Once you unlock your last trophy, excluding DLC trophies, the Platinum will unlock.

[Hidden] Completed Welcome (Bronze) – The player has successfully completed the Welcome To Rapture Level.

– Story related.  Impossible to miss.

[Hidden] Defeated Dr. Steinman (Bronze) – The player has defeated the crazed Dr. Steinman.

– Story related.  Impossible to miss.

[Hidden] Defeated Peach Wilkins (Bronze) – The player has defeated Peach Wilkins.

– Story related.  Impossible to miss.

[Hidden] Restored the Forest (Bronze) – The player has restored the forests of Arcadia.

– Story related.  Impossible to miss.

[Hidden] Completed Cohen’s Masterpiece (Bronze) – The player has completed Sander Cohen’s great masterpiece.

– Story related.  Impossible to miss.

[Hidden] Defeated Andrew Ryan (Bronze) – The player has defeated Andrew Ryan.

– Story related.  Impossible to miss.

[Hidden] Broke Fontaine’s Mind Control (Bronze) – The player has broken Fontaine’s mind control.

– Story related.  Impossible to miss.

[Hidden] Became a Big Daddy (Bronze) – The player has become a Big Daddy.

– Story related.  Impossible to miss.

[Hidden] Defeated Atlas (Bronze) – The player has defeated Atlas

– Story related.  Impossible to miss.

Maxed One Track (Bronze) – The player has purchased every slot in one of the Plasmid or Tonic tracks.

– See Maxed All Tracks.

Maxed All Tracks (Bronze) – Purchased every slot in all four Plasmid and Tonic tracks.

– You must spend ADAM at the Gatherer’s Garden on all four of the Plasmid and Tonic tracks.  You get ADAM by either rescuing or harvesting Little Sisters.  You will need a total of 1360 ADAM.

Bought One Slot (Bronze) – The player has purchased one slot in any Plasmid or Tonic track.

– See Maxed All Tracks.

Upgraded a Weapon (Bronze) – The player has acquired at least one weapon upgrade.

– See Weapon Specialist.

One Fully Upgraded Weapon (Bronze) – The player has fully upgraded one weapon.

– See Weapon Specialist.

Two Fully Upgraded Weapons (Bronze) – The player has fully upgraded two weapons.

– See Weapon Specialist.

Three Fully Upgraded Weapons (Bronze) – The player has fully upgraded three weapons.

– See Weapon Specialist.

Four Fully Upgraded Weapons (Bronze) – Fully upgrade four weapons.

– See Weapon Specialist.

Five Fully Upgraded Weapons (Bronze) – Fully upgrade five weapons.

– See Weapon Specialist.

Weapon Specialist (Bronze) – Acquire all upgrades for all weapons.

– You upgrade your weapons at the Power to the People stations.  There are 12 stations throughout the game.  There are 6 weapons in the game, each with 2 upgrades.  The locations are as follows:

  • Neptunes Bounty – Down the stairs from the Peach Wilkins fight.  Can’t miss it.
  • Arcadia – In the archway to Farmer’s Market.
  • Farmer’s Market – Downstairs in the Winery.
  • Fort Frolic – Downstairs in “Le Marquios D’epoque”.
  • Fort Frolic – Hit switch behind bar in “Sinclair Spirits”
  • Hephaestus – To the right of “Heat Loss Monitoring”
  • Hephaestus – Kyburz Office.  In the back to the left.
  • Olympus Heights – “Mercury Suites” behind the elevator.
  • Olympus Heights – In Sander Cohen’s Apartment.
  • Apollo Square – Top floor of “Fontaine’s Home for the Poor”.  Inside Atlas’ Headquarters.
  • Point Prometheus – In the main area by the fallen Big Daddy.
  • Point Prometheus – “Eugenic Analysis” in the back to the left.

Fully Researched Thug Splicer (Bronze) – The player has fully researched the Thuggish Splicer.

– See Research PhD.

Fully Researched Gun Splicer (Bronze) – The player has fully researched the Leadhead Splicer.

– See Research PhD.

Fully Researched Spider Splicer (Bronze) – The player has fully researched the Spider Splicer.

– See Research PhD.

Fully Researched Houdini Splicer (Bronze) – Fully research the Houdini Splicer.

– See Research PhD.

Fully Researched Nitro Splicer (Bronze) – Fully research the Nitro Splicer.

– See Research PhD.

Fully Researched Rosie (Bronze) – Fully research the Rosie.

– See Research PhD.

Fully Researched Bouncer (Bronze) – Fully research the Bouncer.

– See Research PhD.

Fully Researched Little Sister (Bronze) – Fully research the Little Sister.

– See Research PhD.

Prolific Photographer (Bronze) – Take at least one photo in every research group.

– See Research PhD.

Research PhD (Bronze) – Max out all possible research.

– You will get the research camera in ‘Neptunes Bounty’.  When you get it take as many pictures as you can of every enemy you face.  Continue to take pictures of any enemy until it tells you the score is too low.  For this trophy you must max out research on Turrets, Security Bots, and Security Cameras also.  There is no doubt that you will have all research complete by the time you get to ‘Apollo Square’ if you take pictures EVERY chance you get.  Easiest done on Easy or Normal.

Quality Research Photo (Bronze) – The player has taken a Research Photo of the highest grade.

– See Research PhD.

Researched a Splicer (Bronze) – The player has taken at least one Research Photo of a Splicer.

– See Research PhD.

One Successful Hack (Bronze) – The player has performed at least one successful hack.

– See Skilled Hacker.

Hacked a Security Bot (Bronze) – The player has successfully hacked a security bot.

– See Skilled Hacker.

Hacked a Security Camera (Bronze) – The player has successfully hacked a security camera.

– See Skilled Hacker.

Hacked a Turret (Bronze) – The player has successfully hacked a turret.

– See Skilled Hacker.

Vending Machine (Bronze) – The player has successfully hacked a vending machine.

– See Skilled Hacker.

Hacked a Safe (Bronze) – The player has successfully hacked a safe.

– See Skilled Hacker.

Skilled Hacker (Bronze) – The player has successfully completed 50 hacks.

– Probably the coolest thing about this game is that EVERYTHING can be hacked.  I would suggest hacking every chance you get as it will help you out in the long run, especially on Survivor.

Basic Inventor (Bronze) – The player has successfully invented at least one item.

– See Avid Inventor.

Avid Inventor (Bronze) – Successfully invent at least 100 items.

– Once you reach ‘Arcadia’ you will start to pick up random materials, such as a “Rubber Hose”.  Loot everything and everyone and make items at the U-Invents.  You do not have to pick up everything you make.  You should be able to easily get this before the end of the game.  If you don’t have it you can go back to previous areas and enemies will respawn.  You will then be able to loot their bodies again.

Ammo Inventor (Bronze) – The player has successfully invented all possible ammo types.

– See Avid Inventor.

[Hidden] Little Sister Savior (Silver) – The player has completed the game without harvesting any Little Sisters.

– You must go through the entire game without harvesting a single Little Sister.  You do not have to rescue every Little Sister, just do not harvest any. You can actually go through most of the game without killing a Big Daddy.  Just save before you take on a Big Daddy just in case you accidentally press the wrong button.

Tonic Collector (Bronze) – Collect or Invent 58 Tonics in the Physical, Engineering and Combat tracks.

– For this trophy you must follow the path of rescuing Little Sisters.  Tennebaum will give you a gift for every 3 Little Sisters you rescue.  There are also ones you must invent and ones you must buy at the Gatherer’s Garden.

Historian (Silver) – Find every audio diary.

– There are 102 audio diaries in the game.  I will only point out the ones that you will not be able to back-track to.  There are 3 and here are the locations:

  • Welcome to Rapture – On the table before entering the bathroom.
  • Welcome to Rapture – In the bathroom, through the right entrance.
  • Rapture Control – Very beginning of the level on the table to the left.  Do not enter the ‘Would You Kindly Room’ through the vent without it!

Seriously Good At This (Bronze) – The player has completed the game on the Hard difficulty setting.

– See I Choose The Impossible.

Dealt with every Little Sister (Bronze): The player has either Harvested or Rescued every possible Little Sister.

– This will unlock after harvesting/rescuing your last Little Sister.  In each level if you press Pause you will see how many Little Sisters are in the map.  Make sure you get them all or you will be back-tracking.

Lucky Winner (Bronze) – Hit the jackpot at a slot machine.

– In the beginning of ‘Fort Frolic’ there will be slot machines by the Bathysphere.  Try your luck at the machines and keep trying till you run out of money.  If you run out of money re-load your game and try again.

[Hidden] Irony (Bronze) – The player has taken a picture of Sander Cohen’s corpse.

– See Found Cohen’s Room.

[Hidden] Found Cohen’s Room (Bronze): The player has entered Sander Cohen’s personal quarters.

– After you finish his masterpiece in Fort Frolic…Do Not Kill Him! You will meet up with him again in ‘Olympus Heights’.  His home is to the right of the elevator in the main courtyard.  When you enter his living quarters there will be Splicers dancing by the piano.  Kill them and he will come running downstairs from his room.  Kill him, take a picture, and run up to his room for both Found Cohen’s Room and Irony.

Toaster in the Tub (Bronze) – The player has shocked an enemy in the water.

– In Welcome to Rapture Atlas will tell you to shock some Splicers in the water.  The trophy is yours.

Brass Balls (Gold) – Complete the game on Hard difficulty without using a Vita-Chamber.

– See I Choose The Impossible.

A Man Chooses (Gold) – Complete the game on Survivor difficulty.

– See I Choose The Impossible.

I Chose the Impossible (Gold) – Complete the game on Survivor difficulty without using a Vita-chamber.

– Completing the game on Survivor with Vita-Chambers off will unlock all difficulty related trophies.  Start a new game on Survivor.  Before you get to a Vita-Chamber, be sure to enter the options and turn them off.  You can do this without turning them off, just make sure you do not die.  Survivor difficulty is pretty tough, and your wrench’s damage is pretty much zero.  So here are a few tips to help you out:

  • Save All The Time!  See a Big Daddy, save.  Boss fight coming, save.  Difficult area completed, save.  Haven’t saved in a while, save!
  • Loot Everywhere…if you invent items it will help save some cash.
  • Research as much as possible to increase your damage done to enemies.
  • Rescue all Little Sisters.  This will net you some awesome Tonics and Plasmids.  Hypnotize Big Daddy is your friend in Survivor.
  • Crossbow Headshots will kill most Splicers in one shot, combine it with Natural Camouflage to take your time and line up your shots.
  • Use any means possible…whether that means using Telekinesis to pick up a dead Splicer and throwing it at another or using a Target Dummy.


Bioshock Challenge Room DLC Trophy Guide