PS3 Review – Burnout Paradise: Big Surf Island DLC


Gameplay wise, Big Surf Island really doesn’t add anything tangible to the already awesome Paradise experience. It plays exactly the same as the previous iterations. However, credit must be given to Criterion for the color scheming instituted within the Big Surf Island arena. The environment is vibrant, and really feels alive. The buildings, the sun, the surf, the sand–all of these really add to the laid back atmosphere. This is something Criterion really should be applauded for, as the combination of the color scheming, environment and overall feel finally allows the player to sit back and relax.

Big Surf Island does a lot of things right. For one, the vibrant colors and beach setting really transport the player into a very laid-back, enjoyable setting. Criterion estimates that with all the content given, it should be about a 5 hour experience. However, you can really get lost within the experience, and that 5 hour prediction seems more like an underestimate.


If there is one drawback about the package, it is the price. At $12.99, the price is a bit hefty. And there just doesn’t seem like this quite enough play time to justify it. Somewhere around $7~9 would have been the sweet spot. Other than that though, Big Surf Island is an excellent addition to an already excellent game, and you should go out and get it now!

PlayStation LifeStyle’s Final Score

Lots of events and terrain to cover.

Priced a bit high, but still worth the cash.

Vibrant, laid back atmosphere with the addition of off-road racing make this a worthwhile endeavor.

7 out of 10