PSN Review – Fat Princess

The objective in both of the standard game modes is to go to the enemy base and retrieve the Princess. The interesting part though is that each team can feed the Princess cake to make her larger, and therefore harder to carry. However, when more than one player is assisting in carrying the Princess, it speeds up on-foot movement, creating some great teamwork possibilities. There are two other game modes, which mostly focus around deathmatch-style gameplay, but these two are not as popular as the Princess-based game modes.

The controls in Fat Princess are very unorthodox compared to other RTS titles. Attacking is done by either tapping or holding the Square button, which allows you to define how much you want to charge your abilities. For some classes, holding the Square button down changes the attack completely, such as the Warrior switching from a regular melee attack to a spinning attack. Aiming is a bit tough and usually involves holding L1 to lock onto a target. However, locking on doesn’t always target the enemy you are attempting to attack, which can be frustrating. Most combat is dependent on good timing of charged attacks, and simply charging into a fight doesn’t work against skilled opponents who strafe to dodge incoming projectiles.
The artistic design of the game can be compared to games such as Team Fortress 2. Fat Princess has a beautiful, vivid look to it which gives the game a very unique atmosphere. The game looks like a child’s game at first, but the buckets of blood and gore easily earn its Mature rating. Fat Princess really is a pretty game with great visual design, and while it might not satisfy the high-definition fiends, just about everyone can appreciate the prettiness of the game. The look of each class is fitting and appropriate, and the presentation of the game is also terrific. The menus are easy to navigate and the overall look of the game sets a great mood.

The main theme of Fat Princess is catchy, and gives the game an easily lovable vibe. The voice acting by both the single-player narrator and playable characters are well done, and a lot of the dialogue is witty. The sound effects are appropriate and have a cartoony appeal to them, and really help give the game an uplifiting personality. The graphics and audio mesh together very well, creating an enjoyable environment where people of all ages can have a good time in the world of Fat Princess.


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