PSP Review – Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow


This game could stand up with any of the top tier PSP games in both graphic and visuals. The aiming although the best I’ve seen on the PSP can be slow at times and enemies can out run it with little effort especially when you’re zoomed in. The AI is plan dumb and more often than not they simply stand out in the opening while you line up a head shot.

However, the graphics were quite good. All characters were well animated and the environments and weather effects were well incorporated. The sound was also well done the soundtrack kept the somber feeling and the voice acting was top notch.Overall you owe it to yourself to buy this game. If you are looking for a solid shooter on the PSP this is your game. The graphics and visuals are great the gameplay is fun and the story will keep you entertained. Every PSP owner needs to play this game.

PlayStation LifeStyle’s Final Score

Engaging story, and beautiful graphics.

Immersive audio work.

Best shooter mechanics of any PSP title.

9 out of 10


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