THQ Looking To Create Darksiders Movie, Comics

"Cut, cut! The colored smoke came in WAY too early!"

Darksiders, an apocalyptic Adventure-RPG developed by Vigil Games, was just released. Publisher THQ has enough confidence in the new IP that they are looking into expanding the series onto the silver screen and into the comic book medium.

Creative Director Joe Madureira apparently is working on a screenplay, and said in a phone interview to website VG247 that they’ve “gotten some interest from Hollywood,” and have “talked about doing a comic series.” He also made it a point to note that ultimately the decision to pursue any of these mediums is up to THQ. Given that the game has only just released in North America (and soon in Europe), we’re betting THQ is waiting to see how well the game sells before dumping more money into the new franchise. Stay connected to PSLS for more on this and other news as it develops.

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