PS3 Review – Dante’s Inferno

One such example of these characters is Pontius Pilate, the man who authorized Jesus’ crucifixion. Upon grabbing him, Dante can choose which path to take. It is typically better for the player to absolve, as this begins a minigame that nets Dante extra souls when played. It is a bit like the PSP game, Beats–sins float towards the cross in four directions, and you must press the corresponding button at the right time to absolve the sin. Once the minigame has been completed, the character that you just absolved will thank you as his or her soul ascends upward.

As souls are collected, you can choose to upgrade various items on either the Unholy or the Holy side. Your actions with regard to punishing or absolving will dictate how high your Unholy or Holy level is. If you are primarily performing Unholy acts by punishing your enemies, then your Unholy level will rise, allowing you to upgrade your scythe, whereas if you are performing Holy acts by absolving your enemies of their sins, your Holy level will rise, allowing you to upgrade the cross. There are also relics that can be discovered throughout Hell, obtained by speaking with your guide, Virgil, or earned by defeating bosses. Each relic has different bonuses and will level up as you defeat enemies. This sometimes takes a bit of patience, as many relics require a specific Unholy/Holy level.

Overall, the game is a great experience for those that enjoy action/adventure titles. Many may knock it as a hack-and-slash title, but there are some pretty deadly combos that players can come up with. The story is interesting and makes you wonder what is coming next. Probably the best part of the game is the look and feel of the title. The environment is top notch–Visceral Games has done a phenomenal job of showing what it would be like to venture through the nine circles of Hell. And, yes, the game does bear many similarities to God of War, but it is definitely worth a pick-up for fans of the genre. It sets itself apart with its story and environment.

PlayStation LifeStyle’s Final Score

Amazingly dark, gritty depiction of Hell

Deadly combos that can be executed against waves of enemies

Lots of secrets to be found

7 out of 10