PSN Restoration Halted in Japan as Government Demands Answers

Sony has begun to restore it’s services as part of its Restoration Process, bringing back things such as online play and trophy lists to those living in the United States and most parts of Europe. However over in Japan, Sony will not be allowed to start this healing process until it provides further information on what measures the company has taken since the hacking incident.

Kazushige Nobutani, director of the Media and Content Industry department at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, told Dow Jones Newswires the following:

We met with Sony on May 6 and 13, and basically we want two things from them. The first is preventative measures. As of May 13, Sony was incomplete in exercising measures that they said they will do on the May 1 press conference.

The second thing they are requiring from Sony was how they hoped to regain consumer confidence over personal data.

There were similar cases in the past that were caused by other firms, and we are asking Sony whether their measures are good enough when compared to countermeasures taken in the past.

Seeing as how the Restoration has already taken affect in most areas of the world, we don’t see it taking very long for Sony to provide this information and get Japan up and running. Until then, if you live in Japan you might want to keep going at it with all those great single player experiences found on the PlayStation 3.



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