Take A Spin Around San Francisco in the Latest Driver Trailer

Driver: San Francisco is quickly racing towards its August release date. This is the first time the series will see release on the current generation of consoles, after a lengthy four-year gap since the last major entry of Driver: Parallel Lines. We’ve got a trailer featuring the single player aspects of the game, including the unique ability to swap to other cars via astral projection.

Going back to the story of Detective Tanner, you play what appears to be most of the game in his coma-induced world due to events of the last game in his storyline, Driv3r. Unlike that game, however, San Francisco looks to be heavily car-centric, including fully licensed rides. You can choose to help other cops out by hotswapping into their patrol cars on the fly, which you can use to cut off fleeing criminals. You can also get on the wrong side of the law and attempt to get away, for what rewards we do not know yet. Has the series turned a new corner, or did Driv3r leave too bad a taste in your mouth? Let us know after watching the trailer in the comments below.

Driver: San Francisco is currently due for an August 30th and September 2nd release date in North America and Europe respectively.


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