New Sumioni: Demon Arts Trailer Is All About Ink Powers, Screenshots Also Released

XSEED has posted a new trailer and screenshots for the ACQUIRE-developed 2D action platforming title Sumioni: Demon Arts for PlayStation Vita. They’ve also detailed some gameplay scenarios that players might find themselves in and some examples of how they could use the game’s ink to get themselves out of trouble.

Here are some possible gameplay scenarios XSEED listed:

  • Players are faced with a tower blocking their paths with a bowman who shoots arrows at you on the top of the tower and he can’t be reached. Players can hack at the tower with their sword (but that could take a while), so they might want to draw a platform up and over the tower leading them to safety. They could also set the tower on fire, create a thundercloud to attack the tower, or summon a phoenix or sacred lion to completely destroy it.
  • Players can draw a platform to cross a bed of spikes.
  • Players can douse flames coming towards them with water — and, if timed properly, can use the steam to burn enemy soldiers.
  • Players may encounter an enormous enemy with no choice but to run and use their ink abilities to overcome obstacles and deal with enemies.
  • Players may be in the middle of an open field, fighting off waves of attackers, waiting for an escape route to open.

Also, players can generate more ink by rubbing the rear touch panel of the Vita, but players will be left defenseless while doing so.

The trailer released shows some of the ink abilities mentioned above, such as drawing paths, summoning nature (such as fire), and summoning Inkgods.

To see the “Announcement” trailer, click on the video below:

To see the screenshots, click on the Media Gallery below:

Sumioni: Demon Arts will be released for PlayStation Vita in Spring 2012.



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