Watch Raiden Slice ‘n Dice in Tutorial Gameplay Footage of Metal Gear Rising

Platinum Games’ action-heavy Metal Gear offshoot is shaping up to be one killer experience. We loved what we saw at E3 and now, you’ll finally be able to see this cyborg ninja’s sword-swinging skills in action.

Konami has released a jam-packed two and-a-half minutes worth of tutorial footage of the game, providing you for the first time with an extended look at the gameplay mechanics of Revengeance. The footage comes courtesy of IGN and has been embedded below for your viewing pleasure. Be warned, there’s a whole lot of slicing ‘n dicing, and watermelons are the only thing that Raiden’s targeting.


The gameplay looks incredibly fast and fluid, something that should hardly come as a surprise considering the development team behind this title is the same studio that brought us Bayonetta. I for one was quite skeptical about the game, but the more I see of this title, the more excited I get.

Will Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance be worthy of the Metal Gear branding? Sound off with your thoughts on the tutorial footage in the comments below.