Sucker Punch on inFamous Second Son: Cole “Will not be Returning”, Delsin’s Smoke Powers “Only the Tip of the Iceberg”

inFamous: Second Son takes place 7 years after the “Cole McGrath episodes” and stars newcomer Delsin Rowe as he tries to evade the DUP in Seattle. That much we know.

What we haven’t heard is anything to do with Cole and him possibly appearing in the sequel (I won’t spoil anything to do with inFamous 2). Lucky for us, Michael McClain, QA Manager and Forum Moderator at Sucker Punch, gave out some juicy piece of news about Second Son in the forums.

Replying to a question that simply asked where Cole was, Michael gave this response:

Second Son is an original storyline in the inFamous universe, featuring an all new lead protagonist, Delsin Rowe, with a new origin story. Cole MacGrath’s legacy from the first two inFamous titles ultimately concluded following the final events of inFamous 2 and he will not be returning. The inFamous universe holds so many interesting storylines and characters that we wanted to explore a new story arc for the franchise.    

When asked why continue the inFamous franchise without Cole, and not just create a new IP, Michael said the following:

The inFamous universe holds so many interesting characters that we wanted to explore a new storyline and hero, while still staying rooted in the open world that the franchise is known for. Second Son is a brand new storyline, but does take place several years following the concluding events of inFamous 2.

The core of that universe is rooted in the idea of an ordinary person getting super powers and deciding how to use them. That’s the inFamous universe that we’re all so excited to share with you.

Then, in another post, he talked about Delsin’s powers:

As you saw from the trailer, Delsin will have smoke powers in Second Son but that’s only the tip of the iceberg. He’s capable of so much more than you saw in the announce trailer…

As for why Second Son takes place in Seattle? It’s pretty simple:

As Sucker Punch is based right outside of Seattle, and many of us have lived there our entire lives, we wanted to pay homage to our hometown and backyard. The city of Seattle has a unique personality all of its own and we wanted to capture that in Second Son. Seattle is a realistic city and not just some generic non-descript location, so we’re also to bring a whole new level of realism to the storyline, rooting it in a location that players can relate to in the real world.

Is the lack of Cole a deal breaker for you? Or are you just happy that they’re making another inFamous game? Let us know in the comments below.


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