Next Week on the US/CA PSN: June 18th, 2013 – 2 PS Vita Games, 1 New PlayStation Plus Free Game (Update: Storm on PS3)

Since everyone was at E3 this week, and are likely to spend a little while recovering from the event, the slate of games for June 18th is a very light one, with not a single PlayStation 3 game scheduled for release at this moment. Of course, The Last of Us is out today/tomorrow.

That said, here’s everything currently scheduled to hit the PSN on June 18th:

*Due to E3, we doubt the PS Blogcast will be released this week, but if it is, we’ll update the releases

PlayStation 3 Games

  • Storm

PlayStation Vita Games

  • Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
  • Jak & Daxter Collection


  • Resident Evil: Revelations ‘Weapon Upgrades’

PlayStation Plus

  • Leaving the Instant Game Collection: Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny (PSP)
  • Entering the Instant Game Collection: Likely either Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward (PSV) or Gods Eater Burst (PSP)

As always, the list is partial and subject to change, with more items being added next week, so check back on Monday for our PlayStation Store Preview, Tuesday for our PlayStation Store Global Update, and you can even check out our June 2013 new releases for future games.

What will you be getting next week? Let us know in the comments below.