Sony “Currently Confirming” the Number of PS3 Owners Affected by 4.45 Firmware Update, “Conducting Investigations” to Find Cause

Update: If you don’t want to wait until Sony issues a fix for this, and you’re affected by the 4.45 update, Reddit user LolBurn posted a workaround, but it’s unofficial and potentially could make things worse:

Boot into safe mode and re-update the firmware. To access safe mode (I didn’t know it existed until this): Power off the PS3, then hold down the power ‘On’ key until the system has powered up three times. Do not release the power key until the third power up.

The 1st power up is normal mode (which is broken), the 2nd is video reset mode (which won’t help) but the 3rd will bypass the broken firmware and let you re-update.

Original Story: It’s been a bit of a rocky road for the PS3 since firmware update 4.45 launched last night, causing numerous problems with PS3’s, including ‘bricking’, before ultimately being pulled.

The last we’d heard from Sony about the update was that they’re “aware of reports that the recent PS3 update (4.45) has caused.” and “have temporarily taken 4.45 offline and are investigating”. Sony said that they “will announce when the system update is available for download as soon as possible and apologize for the inconvenience.”

Unfortunately, they still haven’t fixed the problems, with Morgan Haro, Community Manager of PlayStation Digital Platforms, opening up a forum post recently, giving a small update on the situation. For affected PS3 owners, of which they’re “currently confirming the number,” Morgan “kindly [asks] PS3 users to wait for further details. We will announce when ready.”

As for how/why they weren’t able to predict that something like this would happen, Morgan offered up the following explanation:

SCE constantly performs appropriate verifications tests for system software updates, and strives to improve and offer quality service.

We are currently conducting investigations to determine the cause of this problem. We will announce further information, including additional updates, when ready.

Basically, Sony is “currently conducting investigations to determine the cause of this problem” and when they release on update on the situation, we’ll update this post to let you know. If you want to sound off about your issues, there’s a forum over here where you can do so.

Did 4.45 give you problems before being pulled? Were you lucky and nothing bad happened? Let us know in the comments below.

[Source 1, 2]

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