First Saints Row IV DLC is Enter the Dominatrix, Expected to Arrive Early October

At Comic-Con over the weekend, the Super Dangerous Wub Wub panel (via GI), which featured the Volition Studio Head, Steve Jaros, and Troy Baker – among many others – talked about Saints Row IV.

The Enter the Dominatrix DLC, which was originally planned for Saints Row The Third,will be the first piece of DLC for Saints Row IV, arriving 45 days after launch and will include a narration explaining why the content was cut. Using the powers of math, and starting at the August 20th/August 23rd release date for SRIV, we can expect that DLC on or around October 4th.

Steve then spoke of how the original ending for the game was going to be a Bollywood-inspired dance number before being replaced, while also talking about THQ’s bankruptcy. He mentioned that an unnamed publisher was hesitant with the superpowers found in Saints Row IV, but publisher Deep Silver found it a benefit.

Before Australian gamers can experience those superpowers, Saints Row IV needs to be re-rated (thanks in part to the alien anal probe driving up the rating), a process that will take place on July 29th.

Do you think Saints Row IV will get a lesser rating this time around? Let us know in the comments below.

[Via, Source]

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