Ask PSLS: Who is Your Favorite Female Video Game Character?


*Because yesterday was abnormally busy, and Sebastian has a broken rib, we had to delay Ask PSLS until today.

With previous Ask PSLS’s being focused on our favorite characters and favorite villains, we found that female characters didn’t get many mentions. In order to redemy that, our question this week is:  Who is your favorite female video game character?

Anthony Severino – Give’r (@Sev_Anthony)

I’ll give it to Samus from the Metroid series. There was nothing quite like playing an entire game at a very young age as this bad ass space bounty hunter with an arm blaster, only to discover at the end of the game that it was a female. Even as a six year old in his “no girls allowed” phase, for a few moments, I thought this girl was so awesome. But then I was sure I had gotten cooties, so it was short-lived.

As I grew into my teens, I wanted to give it to Mileena and Kitana from Mortal Kombat. But the way I mean “give it to” them is probably not appropriate to talk about here.

Now that I’m an adult, it’s been a long time since I’ve come across a female in a game that I enjoyed playing as, and instead, I’ve found that I enjoy protecting them almost as much. This year, I was treated to protecting both Elizabeth and Ellie, and both were such complex characters.

Still, my nod goes to Samus.

Cameron Teague – Chronicles of Valkyria (@Cameron_PSLS)

I guess my favorite female character would be Alicia Melchiott from Valkyria Chronicles. I thought she was a badass, especially when she went all blue on you. It also helped that VC was easily one of the top 5 PS3 games, but that is another subject for another time. Close second would probably be Yuna from FFX.

Chandler Wood – Whipper Snapper (@FinchStrife)

In XCOM: Enemy Unknown I have a psychic sniper character that is named after my wife. I have a strict “no reloading saves” policy on that game and she has somehow survived through everything that I have thrown her into from the very beginning, which have included some extremely near-death moments.

If you are talking about pre-made characters, BioShock Infinite’s Elizabeth immediately comes to mind, and while I’m sure there are many more, a lot of the most potentially memorable females are sadly placed in the non-memorable secondary roles.

Jason Dunning – Get Outta My Mind (@Jasonad21)

I coudn’t get The Last of Us out of my head when I thought about this question, so I’ll have to go with Ellie. She was played to perfection by Ashley Johnson, always had great one-liners or jokes, and was just an overall awesome character. Hopefully Naughty Dog finds a way to work her into the upcoming single player DLC.

Joseph Fait – Breaking Bad Ass (@AcesHigh291)

Might be an odd ball answer, but I’m going to go with the Little Sister from BioShock. Perfectly creepy, controlled Big Daddys, and just all-round bad-ass.

Louis Edwards – All That Glitters is Platinum (@ftwrthtx)

Since I’m a huge fan of the Uncharted series (I have Platinums on all 4 action games), I’m going to have to say Chloe. She’s not just a pretty face, as her handy use of a fire arm makes her very useful. Lara Croft runs a close second, though. That chick is just straight up tough.

Sebastian Moss – Portal to Nowhere (@Sebmoss)

This is hard as there are hardly any women, which is sad, but it has to be Chell from Portal because I prefer people who don’t speak.

Who is your favorite female video game character? Let us know in the comments below.


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