Sucker Punch: New inFamous: Second Son Content in the Works

inFamous: Second Son Game Director Nate Fox was recently overseas to promote the impending release of inFamous: Second Son for PS4 later this month on the 21st, getting interviewed by sites in the process (and violating Delsin, apparently).

In one interview with PSSite, Fox said, “At the moment we are working on new content for inFamous: Second Son, which will be available in the next few months.” In another interview by Gamereactor Germany, Fox gave out a slight bit more information:

Yes, we are working on some more content for Second Son that should be arrive in a few months. I can’t give you any details other than that, the Second Son kind of experience made larger.

While the new content for Second Son could be something that adds a new area, more missions, more vests, or what-have-you, we’ll just have to wait for confirmation from Sucker Punch down the line before knowing what it really is. If you want some extra Second Son content at launch though, don’t forget to pre-order the game to get the Cole’s Legacy DLC.

Over on Twitter, the Sucker Punch account still couldn’t confirm whether the inFamous: Second Son PS4 bundle would be making its way to North America (Europe is getting), but word either way should “hopefully” come soon. One thing they could confirm is that UGC (User Generated Content) won’t be in inFamous: Second Son, despite being included in inFamous 2.

What kind of new content would you want to see for inFamous: Second Son? Let us know in the comments below.