inFamous: Second Son’s DLC has “A lot of the Things That I’d Like to Have Seen in This Game”

While inFamous: Second Son Game Director Nate Fox did reveal that Sucker Punch is working on post-launch DLC, no specifics about content were provided.

However, an interview with IGN, Fox did give out an interesting tease:

It’s got a lot of the things that I’d like to have seen in this game and now we get to do them, now that we have total mastery over our tools and time, it’ll be great. I can’t [give] you the details of the content just yet, though.

As for the future of inFamous as a series, Fox doesn’t know what the next game is, though he thinks “inFamous is a great franchise for more games because it’s just about an everyday guy that gets powers and decides if he wants to use them for good or evil, and that’s a lot of stories, you know? That’s somebody young or old, male or female, in any country in the world. It’d work.”

If inFamous: Second Son lives up to Sony’s expectations, I’m sure another entry into the series wouldn’t be too far behind.

Judging from what Fox said about the DLC, do you think the content will include a new power? Or maybe a new area? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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