inFamous: Second Son Being at 60fps Would Have Impacted the Resolution

Back in November, we learned that inFamous: Second Son runs at “full 1080p, 30 frames [per] second rock solid.” In a recent interview between Game Director Nate Fox and TSA, Fox revealed how moving Second Son to 60fps would have had a negative effect on the resolution.

Fox continued:

I wouldn’t want to compromise any of the particle effects, as I think that’s what makes Delsin’s powers look alive and real… and you can’t sacrifice any of that. Cruising around town and using those abilities is the chief joy of the game, so that’s not going to be it, and we’re certainly not going to cut down on the detail in the world.

After asking, “What would you expect would go away in a game? Resolution seems like the obvious thing,” Fox added, “You need people on the streets, or you don’t feel like the hero, unless you’re saving people, you’re just some crazy super killer.”

In a separate interview between Sucker Punch Co-Founder Brian Fleming and Dualshockers, Fleming revealed that the day 1 patch for inFamous: Second Son will be about 350MB and “improvements and other things inside of it are well worth the time to download it.”

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