Sony: We “Love” PlayStation Vita, Sales Teased for the Coming Weeks

If you were disappointed by the lack of PlayStation Vita deals in the PlayStation Store’s Black Friday 2014 sale in North America (Europe is another story), you weren’t alone, as many people voiced their complaints over on the PS Blog.

Responding to one of these commenters was Chieh Chen, Digital Distribution Manager for the Sony Network Entertainment, who said:

We love Vita over here too, but unfortunately no discounts made it to this sale.

[…] There may or may not be other sales in the coming weeks that include Vita titles.

Looking back at 2013, the Holiday Sale began on December 3, then refreshed each Tuesday for four weeks. If Sony follows the same pattern this year, we could see the first wave of sales on Tuesday, December 2, but that’s purely speculation right now.

Chen also said they’ll “look into” possibly hosting a sale for the games compatible with PlayStation TV.

Which Vita games would you buy if they went on sale?

[Source: PS Blog]