Developer Free Lives on Broforce: Sony Made a Deal We “Couldn’t Reasonably Refuse”

Developer Free Lives is releasing its side-scrolling run and gun video game, Broforce, on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita alongside Windows and OSX. Speaking to GamingBolt, Creative Director Evan Greenwood said that Sony reached out to the company with a deal they “couldn’t reasonably refuse.” While he didn’t go into details about the deal with Sony, Greenwood implied that Microsoft’s parity clause will be an issue if the developer did consider an Xbox One version in the future. He said:

As far as I know Microsoft has a clause in their contract where they won’t accept an indie game if it launches on Xbox after PlayStation.

Xbox Head, Phil Spencer, previously said that Microsoft would consider making exceptions to the parity clause in certain cases, especially for developers who can’t afford to launch their games on multiple platforms simultaneously. However, it’s unclear if Free Lives contacted Microsoft or not. 

Broforce is expected to fully release this year.

[Source: GamingBolt]


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