PSLS Live: Bloodborne Live Stream (Offline)

Welcome to PSLS Live, where we normally live stream a different PlayStation title every Thursday night at 6:30 pm PST (9:30 pm EST) — Except tonight, which will be starting at 7:00pm PST (10:00pm EST). This week Paulmichael Contreras — AKA PMC — will be wandering through the darkness to try and stay alive in Bloodborne, PlayStation’s latest exclusive game that is sure to have players begging for mercy. So make sure to tune in and see if he emerges into the light, or just gets extinguished on the streets. 


We’re not sure what next week’s live stream will bring, so if you have something you really want to see, make sure to hit up DanChandler, or rally the community on our forums to vote on a title that you want us to play while you hang out with the community! See you all next week!


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