PS4 Neo Unlikely to Incorporate PlayStation VR Processing Box Internally

As expected, PS4 Neo was totally absent from Sony’s E3 presser — but news relating to the confirmed hardware re-do has trickled out nonetheless.

Touting enhanced specs, early reports had suggested the console would negate the need for PlayStation VR’s processing box, essentially incorporating the technology required to render games in virtual reality internally. 

Alas, according to Richard Marks, Director of R&D at PlayStation, that may not be the case. 

“That box is very particular. We need something that will take the HDMI out of the PS4 and split it into two different places. We need something that will gather the data back from it via USB. It’s not really possible to not have something. It’s doing this correction for the television set. What we do is render the best possible image for the PS4 out of the headset. We want to also show the image on the headset, so we have to undo this weird warping that’s been done for the headset. It’s also 120 frames-per-second for the headset, and most TVs don’t support that. You could potentially put it in [the PS4], but there’s no reason to do that.”

Designed to help stem the flow of users to high-end PCs, details regarding the PS4 Neo remain thin on the ground for the time being. Console owners can, however, take solace in the fact that all PS4 games releasing this generation will run on the standard device — it’s “an addition to the existing line-up, not a replacement.”

What do you make of the latest wrinkle in the PS4 Neo story? PlayStation VR has been slated for launch across North America and Europe on October 13. 

[Source: Game Informer]