Doom Update 2, Double XP Go Live Today After Three Hours of Maintenance


At least on Steam, the update is a 12GB download.

Original Story:

As detailed yesterday, Doom is getting Free Update 2 and its first ever Double XP weekend today. Before either of them arrive though, Bethesda and id are taking Doom’s servers offline for three hours of maintenance from 9am PT/12pm ET to 12pm PT/3pm ET.

Full patch notes aren’t available for the new Doom update yet, but here’s a look at what we know is included so far:

Doom Free Update 2

New Multiplayer Modes

  • Exodus is a one-flag capture-the-flag mode with an added twist of constantly moving bases and flags.
  • Sector is an objective-based capture-and-hold mode where players compete to take control of zones and then hold them to score points.
  • Both modes can be played on any existing or future maps.


  • Customizable weapon wheel functionality – so players can carry and select multiple weapons, just like the campaign
  • Jump pads with logic to set distance, speed and direction
  • 30 brand-new Hell-themed modules
  • An expanded weapon list
  • A new playable demon – the Mancubus
  • Improvements to the Community HUB, editor and logic capabilities


  • Tons of optimizations and improvements

The Double XP weekend will begin today as soon as the maintenance ends at 12pm PT/3pm ET.

Next week, id will release Unto the Evil, the first paid multiplayer DLC pack. Priced at $14.99/£11.99/€14.99, it includes three new multiplayer maps, the Harvester demon, the UAC EMG Pistol weapon, the Kinetic Mine, and more.

[Source: Bethesda (1), (2), (3), Doom, Reddit]