next-gen games

GDC 2019: 18% of Developers Claim That They’re Making Games for Next-Gen Platforms

The Game Developers Conference recently published its annual State of the Game Industry report for 2019. A survey conducted for the report reveals that at least 18 percent of about 4,000 developers polled are working on next-gen games.

Two percent of respondents claimed that they are developing games exclusively for upcoming unannounced platforms. Another 16 percent claimed that they’re working on existing and upcoming platforms, both. A whopping 37 percent of respondents said that they “don’t know at this time,” and 46 percent said that they are making games exclusively for existing platforms.

The survey also asked developers what current-gen platforms they are making games for at present. 66 percent of respondents said that they are currently developing for PC, 38 percent selected smart phones and tablets, 31 percent of respondents said that they are making games for the PlayStation 4 and PS4 Pro, followed by 28 percent for the Xbox One and Xbox One X, 18 percent for the Nintendo Switch, and 17 percent for virtual reality platforms.

Speaking of VR, the survey found that HTC Vive remains the most popular platform among developers for the third year in a row. 33 percent of developers working on VR games are developing for the Vive, 30 percent for the Oculus Rift, and only 13 percent for the PlayStation VR.

Interestingly, 34 percent of developers believe that augmented reality will emerge as the “dominant immersive reality” technology in the next five years. 20 percent of the respondents believe that VR and AR will be equally popular, and 19 percent believe that VR will dominate the market.

For those who are interested, the full report is available online.

GDC 2019 will kick off on March 18th.

[Source: IGN]