Bloodborne 2 pc PS5

Rumor: Bloodborne PC is ‘Done,’ Bluepoint Working on Bloodborne 2 and Remaster of the First Game

Time to spin up the rumor mill once again, this time about the much-beloved PlayStation exclusive title, Bloodborne. XboxEra’s Nick “Shpeshal_Nick” Baker is back again with yet another PlayStation rumor, corroborating details he and others have allegedly heard regarding Bluepoint working on Bloodborne 2, a PS5 console remaster, and the PC port of the title already being done.

“I have been told by a couple of different sources a couple of different things about Bloodborne,” Baker says. “I’ve been told there’s a PC port that’s already done.” He does not go on to specify who developed the PC port of Bloodborne, but rumors of the title coming to PC have been persisting for a while now.

“I think what’s happening with Bluepoint is, I believe Bluepoint is doing the sequel,” Baker continued. This would fall into the category of “original content” that Bluepoint said it was working on since its Sony acquisition. While not a wholly new IP, a hypothetical Bloodborne 2 would be the first “original” game from Bluepoint.

“And I think Bluepoint might also be doing the console remaster of the first one. I think,” he concluded. He reiterates that this is simply him corroborating other similar rumors people have heard with information he’s gotten from his own contacts and sources. Bluepoint’s heavy involvement makes sense from the perspective of the company that did both the PS3 remaster of Shadow of the Colossus as well as the PS4 remake. The studio working on the PS5 remaster of Bloodborne would allow them to become intimately familiar with the game to do the sequel proper justice.

Catch Baker’s comments in the XboxEra Podcast video just after the 1:30:00 mark:

Rumors of Bloodborne coming to PC and PS5 started kicking up back in June 2020. With Sony’s strategy of PC ports as well as PS5 “director’s cut” enhancements for its biggest PS4 exclusives, such an announcement would be unsurprising, and there are enough whispers to lend a lot of weight to the rumor. Bluepoint has been a PlayStation juggernaut studio, and the recent Sony acquisition gives the team even more resources and creative freedoms than ever before as it makes its first foray into developing more original content, expanding on the ideas that came before.

However, as usual, this is a rumor, and should be taken with your daily allotted amount of salt until such time that it is confirmed by Sony.

[Via: PSU]