PlayStation LifeStyle PlayList: February 8th & 9th, 2014 – Left Behind Edition

We didn’t think the PSLS PlayList would include The Last of Us: Left Behind until next week when it actually comes out, but someone is lucky enough to have their hands on the DLC right now, and everyone’s jealous.

Here’s what everyone is playing this weekend:

Anthony Severino (@Sev_Anthony)

I’ll be playing The Last of Us: Left Behind another time, you know, so I don’t leave behind any details on my experience. I already beat it once, but there’s more to see. And shit, if it didn’t make me want to replay The Last of Us again, too. Click, click, motherfuckers.

Cameron Teague (@Cameron_PSLS)

I am going to spend much of time with my review of Toukiden: Age of Demons for the PS Vita (think Ragnarok Odyssey meets Soul Sacrifice). Other than that, it will be more Hulu time and maybe a little bit of time with Ghosts.

Chandler Wood (@FinchStrife)

I’ll probably be enjoying my time back home with my wife after a few days away on a business trip in California (for my day job, not this one). We might be playing some co-op LEGO Marvel on PS4 as a result.

Dan Oravasaari (@FoolsJoker)

This weekend I plan on finally digging into Outlast, as I have been wanting to play through it for some time. Past that, I am still trying to figure out the future of Daily Reaction and Bad Gamers.

Jason Dunning (@Jasonad21)

It’s going to be a non-PlayStation weekend for me. With Pokemon Bank now out, I have to transfer all my old Pokemon to the online storage, Gears of War: Judgment showed up the other day and seems like it will be fun, and I’ve been wanting to replay a Castlevania game on DS, so I’ll be moving through as much of Portrait of Ruin as possible.

Joseph Peterson

Definitely going to be spending some more time with the My Player mode in NBA 2K14 on PS4. Then it’s on to the infinite backlog that I have on the PlayStation 3. Need to figure out which games are actually worth my time, and which just need to be given up on.

Louis Edwards (@ftwrthtx)

Now that rain has finally started to fall here in Northern California, this weekend will be spent indoors scaring the crap out of everyone in the room by playing Outlast.

What are you playing this weekend? Let everyone know in the comments below.