Mistwalker Doesn’t Have Anything Planned for the Console Version of Terra Battle Yet

With Terra Battle having been downloaded over 2 million times, Mistwalker was happy to announce that a console version of the game is now underway as part of their Download Starter campaign.

In a recent interview with Famitsu (translated by Gematsu) though, Mistwalker Founder and Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi revealed that he thought reaching 2 million downloads “was a far away goal” and he never thought this day would actually come. “We didn’t actually have anything planned for it,” he added, “so I’m starting to feel the heat now that it’s happening. (Laughs.)”

For right now, Mistwalker doesn’t have “any plans” for what the console version will actually be, but however they end up doing it, Sakaguchi wants the “characters and atmosphere of the game world to be in line with what we’ve done for the smartphone game.”

He also plans on experimenting quite a bit to see if they can take the game in any new directions, and this could include virtual reality support or connectivity “with next-gen.”

What would you like to see from the console version of Terra Battle?

[Source: Famitsu via Gematsu]