More Home News

More Home info has come from PlayStation Day 08. I’m glad that we heard more than “it’ll be released when it’s ready.” (Not saying that I want it released before it is ready. Or that I am annoyed with the answer). Hill has stated that the press will be seeing the in-home Game Spaces later on this month. (You do all remember the leaked Game Spaces for Resistance, Warhawk and Uncharted right?). Exciting right?

Game launching has also been expanded to Motorstorm. Beta testers will be able to try this out later this month. You will be able to choose various options for the races and therefore by-pass many of the menus in the game. Nothing can beat getting straight to racing.

Other Beta news includes a tidbit about the expanded Beta and the Open Beta. The current Beta will be expanded this July. This is my birthday month, so I will obviously get in. (One can dream). Open Beta will start this Fall and will not be “fully functional.” Now don’t worry, there is a reason for this. “Home will never be fully functional.” Much like the PS3 and PSP, Home will continue to grow through its life cycle. Imagine the possibilities. Game launching and trophies will definitely be in the Open Beta. I hope to see a few surprises myself. Considering that the Fall is 4 months away, it is definitely possible.

Don’t forget that trophies will be viewable from the XMB.

See, we weren’t deprived of any Home news at this event. Thank you Sony. I still haven’t lost my excitement for Home and the latest news has only reconfirmed my need to remain patient for this application.

How do you all feel about this new information?


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