Eric Updates the Status of Upcoming PSN Features

Eric Lempel updated the status of Home and the PSN Video Store in a recent interview with Home is currently on schedule for a Fall release. This should be music to quite a few ears out there. He accompanied this statement with the promise that the open beta will be “robust.” Pretty much, expect to see Home unleashed in a highly functional state. Home Open Beta = GMail Beta, for lack of better words. Eric also states that the video store will be coming this Summer as previously reported.

With E3 only 9 days away, expect to hear more info leading up to the event and at E3. With the recent release of 2.40 and the promise of big surprises to come at E3, this should be another good year for Sony. Be sure to visit the site frequently during E3 for up to the minute information from Sev1512 and myself from E3 and reported by everyone here at Playsation Lifestyle. I’m sure none of us can wait to see what Sony has up its sleeve.