This Week’s Blu-Cast

Apparently the powers that be did not want to have to share the limelight with E3 this week. The Blu releases for this week are not as amazing as a few weeks ago, but there is a gem in there for sure. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a definite classic that movie watchers would enjoy. I personally only own this on VHS and I no longer own a VCR. You know that means that I will be purchasing the movie.

Aside from College Road Trip (did anyone watch this movie?), Shutter (I heard mixed reviews), and Step Up 2 The Streets (I’ll never watch or buy this movie, EVER), there is a Dragon Ball Z release. I doubt anyone around here will have much time for movies because of E3 this week. The Blu-Cast is being posted early in order to finish preparation for our in-depth coverage of the event.  Remember that Sev1512 and I will be live at the event and stories will be posted by all of the authors at Playstation We look forward to bringing you detailed coverage specifically for the Playstation Gamer.

These movie information provided by the links are courtesy of

Release date
Shutter Jul 15, 2008
College Road Trip Jul 15, 2008