Expanding The LifeStyle

Written by BigPete7978
The Time Has Come To Expand
The time has come to expand. Want to be a part of it?

Hello all, BigPete7978 here. A little while back I started a project called XBoxLifeStyle. It hasn’t been a success to say the least. The reason behind this is because I am ridiculously busy with school, work, and running the forums and GamingLifeStyle. I have very few chances to post articles there. Mainly when I do post it is typically reviews and things along those lines. So I am looking for some quality authors that can step up and a part of the staff/family. There are a couple of guidelines I would like to know in your submissions to me, they can be through PM (on the forums) or email (BigPete7978@playstationlifestyle.net).

On another note we will be hopefully starting up another blog soon under the name of NintendoLifeStyle. We are also accepting applications for this as well. The questions that need to be answered are the same as the XBLS guidelines, and can be found below. If you are interested in this please email admin@playstationlifestyle.net.

These guidelines are:

1. Name

2. Age

3. A little bit about yourself

4. What got you into gaming

5. Console ownership history

6. Top 5 games

7. Top 5 genres

8. What you would like to write about, and things that maybe you could specialize in for the site. Also please let me know some things that could result in you not being able to contribute at times. Be honest here guys. I am a normal person just like everyone. Personal life comes before the site always.

I really look forward to the submissions everyone. Thank you all in advance for your interest. Hopefully we can get these blogs up and running. Once again, if you are interested in being a part of XBLS email BigPete7978@playstationlifestyle.net. And if you are interested in being a part of NLS email admin@playstationlifestyle.net.