LittleBigMisstep: LBP Gets Slightly Delayed!

Written by T3mpr1x
Sackboy is mad!
Sackboy is understandably upset!

In what can only be devastating news for the potentially millions of fans eager for LittleBigPlanet to release a handful of days from now, it has been reported that the game will now be released “the week of October 27th” in North America. The reason for this delay? Apparently one of the background music tracks used in the game contains two expressions that can also be found in the Qur’an. Sony has apologized for any offense this may have caused, and are now working as hard as they can to get the game in our hands a fast as possible. Now many of us would have gladly just taken the game home with us on the 21st, and downloaded a patch, but Sony’s reason for instead delaying the game is due to the fact that not all PS3 owners have internet access and as such they would be stuck with this problem potentially forever.
