Sony Liverpool and Evolution Studios to Merge Under One Roof

Written by Sev1512 sev1512-48

Two of Sony’s top racing franchise developers will merge under one roof.  Sony Liverpool, which is responsible for the acclaimed futuristic WipEout series, will be merging with Evolution Studios, developer of the off-roading Motorstorm series.  Apparently, Sony Liverpool already had been helping Evolution with the development of Motorstorm 2, so this is really no surprise.

Although they will still remain separate development teams, being under the same roof will allow them to share resources much more easily.

Micheal Denny, Head of Sony’s Worldwide Studios in Europe, explains the relationship between the two studios:

“You may be aware that Evolution and our Liverpool Studio have now merged in terms of management structure and using combined resources. Liverpool had great success this year with Wipeout HD and they also helped on MotorStorm as well.

“Each studio has its own internal concepting group which will always be looking at new opportunities and new IPs, and we’ll continue to extend and innovate within our existing franchises as well.”