Natsume’s Afrika to Get Trophies for NA Release


Afrika, a peaceful safari-type game available exclusively for the PlayStation 3, is finally making its way over to North America this coming August. But it won’t be exactly the same game as the one that was released back in August of last year.

Quick! Before it charges!

When Afrika was released in Asia, as importers are well aware it already had an English language track. When asked if this new version is going to use the same language track, Natsume’s Vice President of Operations Graham Markay had this to say:

“…Afrika carries three licenses and it’s going to carry three licenses in the US which are National Geographic, Sony cameras, and Suzuki automobiles. Those three licenses are in the game so National Geographic was involved with the Japanese and Asian release…We’re just tweaking lines here and there. Were trying to make a few modifications to the game to fit the US market better.”

So it’ll have effectively the same language and equipment. Okay, so what about actual modifications to the core game?

“First and foremost there is going to be a trophy system, which wasn’t in the Asian release or Japanese release. There have been other suggestions from us and other parties. So, we’ve been working with Rhino Soft and Sony now to tweak it. Obviously, that’s not the final version out there so we’re trying to see what we can do to help make it a touch better.”

Yes, trophies will be in this title! What does this mean for importers? Who knows. If an update for the Asian version is announced, expect to see it here! In the meantime, look out for this game when it hits store shelves in August!



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