PSN Review – Inferno Pool


Inferno Pool on the other hand, is the craziest game of Pool ever. In single player this is an endurance match, players must pocket a ball withing a set amount of time.  Each ball pocketed will reward you with more time, creating some urgent old school game play.

Mutliplayer Inferno Pool offers a much different experience; think of this game as the Twisted Metal of the Pool world.  The object is to get the lowest number of balls on your table before time runs out.  Every ball pocketed will reside in the ball launcher which is on the ready with the press of the L3 button.  Press once to extend the laucher and L3 again to  rockets balls over to an opponents table. The result is some frantic competition and a great social game experience, which can be optionally outfitted with trash talk.


Doing more complex shots and combos will build up an Inferno meter. As the Inferno meter reaches the max the announcer yells “Inferno!”, now the entire area glows red and each pocketed ball removes an additional from the table. Other notable exclamations are “Combo” and “Bank Shot” amongst others.  The voice is a dead ringer for the Mortal Kombat guy, unfortunately “Finish him!” wasn’t among the color commentary.

The game is accompanied by a rock soundtrack, although it fits the mood of the game it isn’t really all that memorable as most of the time the crack of the pool balls, explosions and the call of the MK announcer will drown it out.

PlayStation LifeStyle’s Final Score

Quick, easy and enjoyable.

Plenty of options to keep you busy.

A tad short on singleplayer, multiplayer offers a fun party game.

7 out of 10