Firmware 3.0 Could be PlayStation 3’s New Xbox Experience


It’s that time of the year, when rumors come flying near a gaming event. Starting August 19th, and running through to Sunday, August 23rd, is GamesCom. Of course, new rumors are here, and this time they’re on PlayStation Network.

The latest rumor comes from PlayStation Insider, who say their source has told them that Sony is set to announce Firmware 3.0 at their upcoming press conference. It is said they were careful not to say it would not release the day of announcement. However, they will announce it, and detail the features that come with it. The source says that this firmware will coincide with the launch of the new PlayStation Network.

There was a rumor some time ago that suggested that Sony would be releasing a new PSN service, one that would have you pay a one flat rate for access to unlimited downloads. It would still have online play, and the other features for free though. Think of it as Xbox Live, but with the perk of gaining access all content on the network. Whether this plan is still in play though has yet to be determined.

Make sure to stick with PSLS, as we’ll report on this rumor as it picks up more steam. And be sure to be here when Sony presents their three hour conference at GamesCom, as we’ll keep you posted on new developments.



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