PSN Review – Fat Princess


The single-player campaign of Fat Princess is roughly two hours in length, and there is a gladiator mode, which is great for training but incredibly tough. The bulk of your time though will be spent playing online. The game features four game modes, all of which are a blast. But the capture-the-flag style game modes are definitely the most enjoyable. As you play online you earn points that not only help you climb the ranks, but also unlock features for your characters. Each character is customizable, and you have the choice to alter not only their physical appearance, but also the gender of the voice-over actor.

It’s unfortunate that the ranking system is flawed, and high ranks are rewarded to those who obtain high scores in long drawn-out games. Also, the lack of a clan system discourages teamwork, which is essential in Fat Princess. With that said, the game is a lot of fun to play, and the easy to jump into gameplay makes up for these slight shortcomings. Also, Titan Studios has stated that they will be rectifying the ranking system’s issues with an upcoming patch.


Fat Princess is only $15, and is easily one of the best downloadable games to date, if not the best. Not only does the game have a lot to enjoy, but the game is highly entertaining. It really is an outstanding game and is a great addition to the PlayStation Network. It’s both a blast to play and the enjoyable classes create for a diverse teamwork-based environment that can be enjoyed by anyone that picks up this title.

PlayStation LifeStyle’s Final Score

Highly enjoyable class-based action with RTS elements.

Beautiful presentation and personality.

Lock on feature could have been better, but the gameplay is still an absolute blast.

9 out of 10