PS3 Review – Overlord 2


The last area is the throne room, this is where you will get your quests and head out to battle. Once in battle you will set a entrance to the underworld, as well as spawn points for each minion type. These will pop up through out each battle and are generally used as check points. Once one emerges you can jump from area to area by simply walking into one and selecting your destiny.

The battles can be quite difficult at time, but you have hundred’s of minions at your disposal. You will come across statues throughout your battle as well which will add to your health, magic and the overall amount of minions you can control. The story is comical, and the characters can be hilarious along with the game play being a lot of fun.

The graphics in Overlord 2 although not groundbreaking, but fit the style of the game appropriately. The game does a good job at not taking itself seriously, and the cartoonish bight colored graphics help that effect. There was the occasional slow downs in framerate, but nothing that would impair your enjoyment of the game.

The sound in this game was excellent. The minions little songs and comments throughout the game as well as the voice acting fits the humorous nature of the game. There were times when things are repeated, but not to the point of it getting annoying. Overall they did a fantastic job, and even though your character does not speak once throughout the entire game, the rest of the characters around you do a great job of making it unnoticeable.

As far as negatives go there was one major sticking point. The camera was absolutely horrible at some moments. It was not a deal breaker, but on more then one occasion I was completely lost because of the camera not working as it should. This at times, really took away from the overall experience.


Overall this game is a blast. You get the chance to control a large army of minions and cause absolute havoc. It really does have a little bit of game play for fans of  any genre. You get the hack-n-slash, collecting of items and leveling up like an RPG, along with being able to control different units like an RTS. It may not be the most polished game, and the replay value isn’t really there, but this game is a must rent and when the price drops this would be a good addition to anyone’s collection

PlayStation LifeStyle’s Final Score

Camera can be a pain at times, but overall gameplay is fun.

Graphics and sound design work well.

Good single player campaign, but a bit light on replay value.

7 out of 10
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