Sony to Bring a Bounty of PS3 Slim Bundles


After such a big splash at E3, and an even bigger showcase at Gamescom, what could Sony announce that could steal the show yet again at Tokyo Game Show?

Along with the expect slew of new game announcements, and more in-depth looks at Japanese-developed games such as Gran Turismo 5, and The Last Guardian. It’s expected that Sony will be announcing PS3 Slim premium bundles in time for the holiday season.

The bundles, which will retail along side the value-packed standard 120GB PS3 Slim, would likely feature a larger 250GB HDD, and come with one or more games.

French site Jeux Video has a supposed list of game bundles which include, Tekken 6, Need for Speed: Shift, Pro Evolution Soccor, Assassin’s Creed 2, Uncharted 2, Gran Turismo 5, and a Blu-Ray movie bundle.

One major UK retailer told Eurogamer that the bundle or bundles Sony plans to unveil at Tokyo Game Show (which is being held September 24-27) and “is a definite” for an October release.

With the discovered filings of a 250GB PS3, and recent rumblings of a Gran Turismo 5 250GB bundle, the chances of these bundles getting announced at TGS is very likely.


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