THQ: Two Big Announcements Coming That Will Blow Your Mind

THQ are really showcasing their strong presence in the gaming industry, with successful games such as Darksiders and their popular UFC video game franchise. Their upcoming line-up was strengthened when Dead or Alive creator Tomonobu Itagaki joined the company with the recently announced Devil’s Third. Now, with THQ acquiring the talent to work on big upcoming blockbuster titles, they claim that two announcements they have in store will blow your mind. Literally.

Speaking with VG247, THQ Core head Danny Bilson stated that established developers such as Activision and EA will start worrying about competing with THQ. Bilson also said there are two big announcements from the company which will blow your mind.

I think what you’re going to see is the best developers in the world coming to THQ over the next year, because our system is completely different to the other companies. Of course, we can be competitive in the deal, but it’s not about that. At THQ Core, our marketing department and our product development department work as one, together under my supervision. I come from creative, so at THQ, games are built from a creative [standpoint] first, then marketing looks at it and figures out a creative campaign. We don’t do market research on, “What do kids want to play?” We make games that we want to play, and we hire professionals. We are very professional, and we play games all the time. What we’re building at THQ are the games we want to play the most.

Honestly? To compete with our friends at Activision and EA? I think they’re going to have to start worrying about competing with us. Everybody wants to work here. There are two big announcements coming that will blow your mind.

For whatever it could be, it’s going to blow our minds, so, get ready to get your minds, er, blown.

For more on Itagaki’s Devil’s Third, check out PlayStation LifeStyle’s previous coverage of the game.


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