EA Dead Set on Taking Down Call of Duty

The Medal of Honor franchise hasn’t garnered much support over the past few years due to stunted innovation and low sales, as Activision’s Call of Duty series consistently outperformed any and all contenders in the first-person shooter war genre, year-after-year. Well, this just isn’t sitting well with EA, and now they plan to do something about it.

Speaking with MCV, EA Europe Senior Vice President Jens Ewe has stated that the company will definitely overtake the Call of Duty franchise, but that the process will take some time.

We certainly want to get back on top for shooters with Medal of Honor,

We’re not going to outdo Call of Duty this year but it will get dangerously close. This is going to be a journey, as it has been with the way FIFA overtook PES.

In the years to come, we’re definitely going to beat Activision and Call of Duty.

The combination of digital marketing and advertising with the strength of word of mouth – something that really helped FIFA – should help the comeback.

We actually have two IP bullets in our gun; Battlefield. sold very well this spring and in some countries it came close to outperforming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

With Infinity Ward essentially collapsing earlier this year, EA has a grand opportunity to capitalize on this weak point for Activision. However, Call of Duty: Black Ops is still looking pretty darn good, so if the “top contender” title is going to change hands, it’s definitely going to take time, just as Ewe stated, because Treyarch isn’t backing down. Overall, this rivalry is a good thing for both companies, as well as gamers, because competition breeds innovation, and we’ll take innovation anywhere we can get it!


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